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24 February 2013

Don't have to be military to have your affairs in order!!

Part of always being on the move and having a family, puts us in a certain situation.  Our final wishes!!!  Have you given thought to your final wishes?  Have you thought about who would take care of your children in the event of your death?  What will happen to all your stuff?  What if you don't die, but are in an unrecoverable vegetative state??

Being military, we are forced to the JAG office to make sure these matters are addressed.  Of course, that is nice because it's not necessarily something we think of on a day-to-day basis.

We are each others beneficiaries and we have our alternates listed.  We have our wishes listed what we want in the event of a vegetative state, what we want when we die, where we want to be laid to rest, where Madi will go, where our assets will go, our everything!!  It's all laid out and in black and white.  No contesting that!!

Whether you have any assets or not, if you have children you should at least have a Will if they person who would be the next according to a court to take care of your kids is not the ideal person.  Who would you want to finish raising your children??  We have put a lot of serious thought into this over the course of the last twenty years as each of the children reach a milestone.  It's not an easy decision, but it's important.

Does your family know what you want if you are in a vegetative state with no possibility of recovery?? Do you want life support measures to keep you artificially alive?  Do you want tube fed and an IV?  Do you just want comfort measures?  Do you want to die at home?

Where do you want buried?  Do you even want buried?  Cremation?  Buried at Sea?  Do you want a memorial or wake?  A funeral or just a graveside service?  These are all important things to know and share.  I feel the funeral portion is more for the living to have their chance to grieve; however, I refuse to be placed in a coffin and viewed!!!  I just don't want it.  I want to go straight from my death bed to the crematorium and placed in an Urn for the funeral or memorial or whatever it is my survivors want at that point...BUT NO FREAKIN' COFFIN!!!!  No WAY!!!!

Are you a Veteran?  Does your family know where to go to get Veteran's benefits and burial benefits?  All this information is important, especially if the ONLY person who knows (i.e. your spouse or significant other) dies with you!!!!!!!!

Since we are going overseas, we will decide on where to store our Wills stateside.  Most likely a safety deposit box in O'Neill since Brandi is the executor of our estate in the event we both die. 

It's not a topic one just talks about all the time, but why not take the time this week to discuss your wishes with your loved ones...or at least formulate a plan to do so!!